Definition: a progressive neurologic disease of the brain that leads to irreversible loss of neurons and dementia.

Symptoms: memory loss, sudden problems with language, disorientation, misplacing things, changes in mood or personality that are sudden and without cause.

Recommended products:

  • Phosphatidylserine – improves mental function and short term recall
  • Medi-C Plus – reduces plaque build ups in arteries, some anecdotal evidence that it also helps reduce plaques in the brain
  • Omega 3 750mg EPA:500mg DHA – assists with preserving brain mass and feeds neurons
  • CoQ10 – carries oxygen to all cells
  • MCT Oil – feeds the myelin sheath of nerves allowing better connections, effects are quick but not long-lasting unless use is ongoing

Additional Suggestions: B50, Zinc, Potassium, Curcumin Extract, Lecithin