Definition: and infection caused by a species of the yeast Candida, usually Candida albicans. A common cause of vaginal infections and mouth infections in people with reduced immune function, or in patients taking antibiotics.

Symptoms: bloating, headaches, sugar/alcohol cravings, mood swings, acne, itching, mild depression, irritability, rash, sinus congestion on consuming sugar or alcohol

Recommended products:

  • Cranberry Extract – helps to prevent bladder infection
  • Probiotics – supplies good bacteria that may be flushed out while cleansing, helps to restore the balance of good bacteria and yeast in the body
  • Garlic – inhibits growth of Candida
  • Oil of Oregano – alters the ability of Candida to grow
  • Coconut Oil – caprylic acid in coconut oil is able to penetrate the cell wall of Candida and kill it

Additional Suggestions: Caprylic Acid Plus, Candida Stop, Vitamin C