
Definition: A localized collection of pus formed as a product of inflammation and is usually caused by bacteria Symptoms: tenderness, pain, redness, swelling, pus, open wound or closed sore Recommended products: Echinacea – blood purifier and white blood cell...


Definition: Abnormally high acidity of the blood and other body tissues Symptoms: headache, irregular breathing, dry skin, insomnia, diarrhea, lack of appetite Recommended products: Mega Digestive Enzymes – breaks down food for easier absorption requiring the...


Definition: An inflammatory condition of the skin in which the sebaceous glands become clogged and infected, often causing the formation of pimples, especially on the face. It is most common during adolescence, but also occurs and infants and adults. Symptoms:...


Definition: a developmental disorder characterized by symptoms of inattention (such as distractibility, disorganization, or forgetfulness) or by symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity (such as fidgeting, speaking out of turn, or restlessness). Symptoms:...

Adrenal Fatigue/Disorders

Definition: the adrenal glands are exhausted and unable to produce adequate quantities of hormones, primarily cortisol. Symptoms: morning fatigue, afternoon lows, cravings for high fat/salty foods, mood swings, mental fog, lightheadedness Recommended products:...


Definition: a disabling addictive disorder. It is characterized by compulsive and uncontrolled consumption of alcohol despite its negative effects on the the drinker’s health, relationships and social standing. Symptoms: neglect other activities, frequent use, binge...