New Year is considered a fresh start by many. It is one of those times when people think that a new beginning is going to happen and that all the old things will be settle by themselves. Whether it is true or not is secondary, but we remain the same people. If we want to bring any changes to our lives, it is our behaviors that need to be changed, but not us.

Chances are good you know the phrase, “New Year, New You”

I have never really liked that. January seems like a tough time to start being a new, improved version of yourself. We have just gotten through the holidays, some of us by the skin of our ears, others while running what felt like a marathon with a wet sack of sand strapped to our backs, still others had their first holiday without a loved one that would normally be there.

This year, instead of making a list of resolutions, try thinking about what you want the theme of your year to be.

Is this the Year of No, where you say ‘no’ to the things that you just don’t want to do that you would normally squeeze in because you don’t want to let anyone down?
Is it the Year of Yes, where you start saying ‘yes’ to new experiences that you are usually afraid of, or find boring?
Is it the Year of Just One Thing (thank you City Slickers), where you find out what you love and start doing it, just a little bit each day?

Maybe this is the Year You Remember To Take Your Vitamin D Every Day! This is my personal goal. It is also the Year of Going To The Gym At Least Once A Week. . . but I started doing that in December so that I would get in the habit of actually doing it before the New Year started

What I’m trying to say is, be you. You are enough. If you want to start getting stronger, do it today, just for 5 minutes! If you need permission to rest this year, I say, rest. That thing you want to do will still be there after your nap

This is also going to be my Year of Celebrating the grass under my feet is not over my head. Let’s appreciate that we made it through the last year. We are still here. Still on the right side of the grass – and it is a good place to be

So, yeah. New Year, Same Me