Today we met a person in their late 80s who needed some help with constipation. While we were chatting about their medications, how they eat, how much they drink, they stopped us to ask why what they were eating would matter to how often they could have a bowel movement.

This is a common question, so we discussed: the need for fibre in the diet to create bulk and help prevent intestinal spasms; the importance of water and the effect hot water versus cold water on the bowel system; types of common medications that can be drying to the membranes of the intestinal tract….They stopped us again.

Person: How does the food I eat relate to pooping though?
Us: Because it is what you are pooping…
Person: No. That is not right. Maybe YOUR intestines are connected to your stomach, but MINE aren’t!
Us: Um… are you sure? Do you have a colostomy bag that we should know about?
Person: No. Don’t be ridiculous! I’ve never heard of anything so stupid in my whole life!
Us: Maybe you should talk to your doctor about this. . .

They went on their way without anything to help with their bowel movements that day. We still don’t know if they spoke to their primary care physician or not about it… But in case you didn’t know, a human being has a tube that runs from our mouth to our anus that moves in one direction (ideally). So your stomach is indeed connected to your intestines and your anus…. The more you know, the more you know.